Aussie kit week - Day 1 - Attaquer

Aussie kit week - Day 1 - Attaquer

We believe Australia's cycling kit industry is the best in the world. We are spoilt with so many great brands producing quality kits. We wanted to run a campaign highlighting just how much passion and talent there is behind the Aussie kit industry so we reached out to some of the top quality people behind the brands to find out what makes them tick.

Words - James Raison      Images - Max Hardy

Day 1 - Attaquer

I decided to lead off with Stevan from Attaquer, one of the earliest and most influential brands changing the Aussie kit scene.

What is the design philosophy behind your kits? Our design philosophy has always been to bring an element of street wear/fashion to cycling apparel. 

What do you want people to think when they see your kits? Holy F$#k that is a good looking kit, i can't wait to get out and ride in that.

How do you want people to feel when they wear your kits? This is the best quality kit i have ever worn. Can't wait to put in some serious miles, i feel good.

How do you feel when you see people riding in your kits? Always stoked and very appreciative. In the early days when we'd be out riding, so many motorists and cyclists would come up and ask "what are those kits"? They'd never seen anything like it and they would always be smiling and excited. This still happens, and it always makes me think how great it would be if someone seeing an Attaquer kit roll past, would be encouraged to take up cycling, or start riding more often. It's always nice to think that maybe in some little way, Attaquer has brought new people into our sport or driven others to take their cycling to a new level. That's also in part how our motto came about "Look good, feel good, ride faster".

What were you doing before starting Attaquer? I've had a couple of career changes, but for the 10-12 years prior to starting Attaquer I worked in the apparel industry. Mainly in Sales Management where i've also worked closely with design, production and PR.

Read our full review of the Attaquer Womens' Core Range.

Photos by Max Hardy

More Aussie Kit.